Deliverable: Architecture Vision
The Architecture Vision is created early on in the project lifecycle and provides a high-level, aspirational view of the end architecture product. The purpose of the vision is to agree at the outset what the desired outcome should be for the architecture, so that architects can then focus on the critical areas to validate feasibility. Providing an Architecture Vision also supports stakeholder communication by providing an executive summary version of the full Architecture Definition.
Main Description

Typical contents of an Architecture Vision are:

  • Problem description:
    • Stakeholders and their concerns
    • List of issues/scenarios to be addressed
  • Detailed objectives
  • Environment and process models:
    • Process description
    • Process steps mapped to environment
    • Process steps mapped to people
    • Information flow
  • Actors and their roles and responsibilities:
    • Human actors and roles
    • Computer actors and roles
    • Requirements
  • Resulting architecture model;
    • Constraints
    • IT principles
    • Architecture supporting the process
    • Requirements mapped to architecture
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